Saturday, September 25, 2021

Counting Champions!!!!

 2nd Graders are really getting into their math work this year!  One of the fun jobs we do is to create "Counting Strips" that help us explore reading and writing numbers as high as we can!  Some kids are really getting into this fun work - or is the work really getting onto them! haha!

Wow!  It's almost as long as the whole classroom!

This is what we call a math hug!

Hard at Work!!

Our writers and readers are hard at work in 2nd Grade!  We're learning how to tell and write stories about our lives AND we're busy reading from our classroom libraries AND our online ones, too!  
So proud of these kids!


 Always good to remember...... 😊

Thursday, September 16, 2021



Friday, September 17th will be stuffy day for our school! Please make sure that the stuffed animal that your student brings can fit into a backpack. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Today we celebrated International Dot Day! This day is inspired by The Dot, a book written by Peter Reynolds. Our Second Graders read the story today in class and then participated in an art project to support the book’s theme of creativity and reaching one's potential. This book is read all over the world by teachers and students- spreading a message of finding courage and confidence within ourselves- and being brave enough to “Make a Mark”.

Friday, September 10, 2021


 Today all second graders learned how to log into their computers and navigate to RazKids. RazKids is an online reading resource that has just right books for students to read. Students will be receiving a handout on how to access RazKids at home!



Monday, September 13th is picture day! Please send your student’s order form in by Monday morning.   

Camera - Free vector graphics on Pixabay

Friday, September 3, 2021


 Today we read the book Elmer by David McKee and discussed the importance of being true oneself and accepting each other for who they are. The students then decorated an elephant to represent their personality and to serve as a reminder of this lesson throughout the school year. 

Partner Reading

 Second graders participated in partner reading this week! Together we discussed what partner reading should look like and the role each partner plays. Students were VERY excited to read with a buddy and asked for more partner reading time! 

Snow Motion

 Yesterday was our final snow motion for this school year. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come out and help make our days on ...