Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Math Challenges Can Be Fun!!!

How many Skittles fit into a jar?  Let's estimate.....and then solve to check our ideas!  It took teamwork, cooperation, and problem solving to face this challenge and stretch our thinking, but we DID IT!

Using a 100s Chart to add larger numbers..... great use of tools and strategies!

Making groups and counting by 10s to figure out large sums!

Talking about and sharing math ideas and language!

Checking to make sure that their sum makes sense...... is our answer reasonable?

Working with another team to share and defend answers..... how did YOU solve it?  Can you explain it?

Presenting math thinking to the class....using 10s and 1s and number strings to figure out the final answer!


Snow Motion

 Yesterday was our final snow motion for this school year. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come out and help make our days on ...